Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Course Assessment

Focusing on Uncovering Children’s Talents

We firmly believe that every child has unique gifts and talents. Therefore, the school nurtures children’s interests in various areas, such as drawing, singing, and reciting, aiming to develop their skills. Through public competitions, we aim to build their confidence and expressive abilities, helping them unlock their full potential. Recent Achievements

  • First and Second Honors in the KPCC Children’s Putonghua Poetry and Prose Recitation Contest
  • First Honor in the Senior Group of the KPCC Children’s Putonghua Poetry and Prose Recitation Contest
  • Runner-up in the 2021 Notebook Design Competition
  • Bronze Award in the 10th World Children’s Art Competition 2021

Course Model

The curriculum primarily follows Theme-based Teaching and Project-based Learning (PROJECT), with specialized teachers delivering lessons in English and Putonghua.
Theme-based Teaching:
Our school designs a spiral curriculum based on the developmental needs of children. Teachers plan learning content according to the children’s developmental stage, life experiences, and interests. Through activities such as drama, singing games, science experiments, arts, and physical activities, children engage in multi-intelligent play to enhance their learning.

Project-based Learning (PROJECT):
In the K2 and K3 programs, we incorporate Project-based Learning, with two projects each school year—one in the first semester and one in the second semester—lasting 3 to 4 weeks each. Teachers guide children to select topics they are passionate about and conduct in-depth exploration. During these projects, children actively engage in problem-solving and take steps to resolve various issues through interaction with people and their environment. The learning process emphasizes steps such as:

  • Identifying the problem
  • Determining its nature
  • Proposing solutions
  • Experimenting
  • Resolving the issue
    Meaningful learning activities result in meaningful learning experiences and outcomes for children.

Assessment Methods

We use Children’s Learning Portfolios as a continuous assessment tool for the school-based curriculum. The portfolio includes the following:

  • Theme Assessment Form: At the end of each theme, an assessment form is provided.
  • Developmental Assessment Form: At the end of each semester, assessments are conducted in six developmental areas: Language, Early Mathematics, Nature and Life, Arts, Physical Health, and Personal & Social Development.
  • Annual Comprehensive Assessment Form: At the end of each academic year, an overall assessment is provided.
  • Selected Works: A portfolio of selected works created by children is compiled.