Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

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School Fees and Charges

2024-2025 School Fees

For K1, K2, and K3 Classes

Full-Day Programme

Tuition Fee: HKD 3,300 per year after government subsidy, payable in eleven instalments.

Full-Day Programme Meal Fee: HKD 6,325 per year, payable in eleven instalments.

Morning Programme

Tuition Fee: No payment required, fully funded by the government.

Morning Programme Snack Fee: HKD 150 per month.

Book and Materials Fee (2023-24 First Semester):

K1: HKD 700

K2: HKD 895

K3: HKD 782

Snack Fee

HKD 160 per month (Total HKD 1,650 per year, payable in eleven instalments).

School Bag

HKD 140 each.

Summer Uniform

HKD 415 per set (includes boys’ or girls’ school uniform, summer sports outfit, and knitted sweater).

Winter Uniform

Boys: HKD 615 per set (includes boys’ long-sleeve shirt with school emblem, full-length trousers, winter sportswear, and padded school jacket).

Girls: HKD 615 per set (includes girls’ shirt, full-length vest dress, winter sportswear, and padded school jacket).