
學校願景及使命 School Vision and Mission

我們的願景 Our Vision


We believe that every child has a gift, talents which can be built upon and fostered to fulfil their potential. We are committed to nurture students in all aspects of "moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual" dimensions. Based on the love of Christ, we will establish a campus culture of "loving, helping, encouraging and understanding each other". We sincerely hope that every child will grow up happily within Christian education, praising God and benefits others.


我們的使命  Our Mission

教養孩童,使他走當行的道,就是到老他也不偏離。<箴言 22 : 6>凡事感謝,有愛心,懂得寬恕別人,在充滿愛與歡樂的環境中成長個人潛質得以確立和發揮,長大後能立身處世,熱愛國家,關心社會,榮神益人。

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. <Proverbs 22 : 6>  Be grateful for everything, loving and knowing how to forgive others, grow up in an environment full of love and joy to establish and develop personal potential. Grow up to be able to live in the world, love the country, care for the society and glorify God and benefit others.,榮神益人。